
MSD provides a variety of geotechnical and environmental drilling services. MSD stocks a full supply of silica sand, bentonite chips, pure gold grout, washed and bagged PVC pipe, both slotted and solid in 1″, 2″, and 4″ sizes.

Drilling services include:

  • NQ and HQ Triple Tube coring for delineation purposes.
  • ODEX casing through waste rock dumps for Piezometer installations
  • Solid Stem Augers
  • Hollow Stem Augers (4 1/4″ I.D. and 6 1/4″ I.D.)
  • CRREL (Cold Region Research and Engineering Laboratory) coring of permafrost
  • Cone Penetrometer testing
  • Dynamic Cone Tests (DCPT)
  • Drilling and Installation of Slope Indicator (S.I.) casing
  • 2″ and 3″ Split spoon samplers
  • Shelby tube samplers
  • Shear Vane Testing Equipment
  • Piezometer installations
  • Thermistor installations
  • Down hole hammering into bedrock for piezometer installations

ODEX Option

MSD can provide ODEX (Overburden Drilling Eccentric) as an option to a geotechnical or environmental drill program. ODEX is a technique that uses casing to line a hole when passing through soil overburden before entering rock. ODEX drilling allows for drilling and casing deep holes simultaneously in most geological formations, as well as in old construction materials such as brick and concrete.

For mineral exploration drilling, MSD employs set ODEX casing at the top of each hole until bedrock is encountered. This reduces caving and helps direct the sample into the center of the drill pipe through the use of a sealed diverter between the casing and the drill rod. Additionally, we prefer to use threaded casing to speed up the process of installing and removing casing, rather than welding and cutting casing for every hole.

MSD’s air rotary drills also serve as geotechnical drills for installing ODEX casing and down hole hammering. MSD carries in stock 4″, 5″, 6″, 8″, 10″ and 12″ ODEX systems. Additional sizes are available on request.