MSD provides a variety of geotechnical and environmental drilling services. MSD stocks a full supply of silica sand, bentonite chips, pure gold grout, washed and bagged PVC pipe, both slotted and solid in 1″, 2″, and 4″ sizes.
Drilling services include:
- NQ and HQ Triple Tube coring for delineation purposes.
- ODEX casing through waste rock dumps for Piezometer installations
- Solid Stem Augers
- Hollow Stem Augers (4 1/4″ I.D. and 6 1/4″ I.D.)
- CRREL (Cold Region Research and Engineering Laboratory) coring of permafrost
- Cone Penetrometer testing
- Dynamic Cone Tests (DCPT)
- Drilling and Installation of Slope Indicator (S.I.) casing
- 2″ and 3″ Split spoon samplers
- Shelby tube samplers
- Shear Vane Testing Equipment
- Piezometer installations
- Thermistor installations
- Down hole hammering into bedrock for piezometer installations